Everything wrong with software today



The technology that is meant to be used to report problems, is itself broken

“Their superficial flaws concealed their fundamental flaws“ Douglas Adams







The Google Drive example



“Move your account from Backup and Sync to start using Google Drive for desktop.”


This sentence just doesn’t make any sense.

“Move your account”: from where to where?

  • from: seems to be “Backup and Sync“.

  • to: undefined? Is it “Google Drive for desktop“?


<Insert missing Design Principle here>: System should always display to the user what will the outcome be of an action and what are the consequences of not performing the action.

is violated.





I guess the misunderstanding is: I don’t use Backup and Sync….. I always referred to it as Google Drive. I made a mapping table to help you understand the level of complexity of this problem:

What Google refers to as

I refer to as

Backup and Sync

Google Drive

Google Drive for desktop

? no idea


People get away with this



Facebook can’t get migration right



Apple service that I never use randomly ask you to relogin and fails


Rando challenge, doesn’t tell me the origin


Does not ask me what triggered the update

Like randomly shows this in my face, what was the chain of causality that caused that?


Foot Locker Flex Account

Asks me to create an account. Fails with “Something went wrong” error. Then the following dialogs show:

  • Flex account creation page tells me my session has expired would I like to refresh?

  • iPad tells me do you want to remember this password

  • Then this shows up:



Idiots can’t program a pie chart correctly


Apple’s sort algorithm for files in Finder is broken!

Can’t make this shit up. If you try to sort on “last created” in Finder, it gives you the wrong results. Try it.


Kaiser Permanente’s website

ETrade chatbot

Broken link



Conversation outcome

AT&T bot